Sunday, February 13, 2011

Love, Naturally…

I know I told you the next post would be about a “shampoo” that you could make yourself, and I do promise that I will get that up tomorrow. However, this blog is not just about beauty and skin care. Really, for me, it is about how to get back to the best parts of life. Again, for me, I think that is getting a back to a more natural way of living, but it may mean something a bit different for you.

Either way, today the kids were being…I don’t even have the right word that wouldn’t make me sound like a bad mom. Twits come to mind, but I would never use that to describe my sweet little angels ;) It was gorgeous out, but all they wanted to do is fight. I wanted to be outside and certainly wanted them out soaking up the special glory that are the first peaks of spring. Sigh. However, my little [angels], had another agenda and I could not for the life of me figure out what it was or how to make us all happy. Exasperated I left them outside and went inside. Even more frustratingly, they followed. Grrrr.

Then Tristan sparked on an idea. He asked if tomorrow was Valentines, and then Jillian, asked to make a “special card for her friends, “ and finally we found something to settle into. I even made my own for my hot husband. Glitter flew, paint spilled, every window was open and the stereo was turned up just a little louder than normal…and it was perfect.

And truly to me, these are the most special acts of love I could ask for. The kaleidoscope of color, the sparkly brilliance, the honest intent...

True Love.

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